JM (Jason Meridth)

JM (Jason Meridth)

Learn, Converse, Share

21 May 2009

TextMate and Community Server 2008.5

This is my first blog post from TextMate on my Mac. I’m using the HTML formatting. I will try the markdown and textile versions later. The key to getting this working with Community Server was when you click “Bundles->Blogging->Setup Blogs” and the following template shows up:

# List of Blogs
# Enter a blog name followed by the endpoint URL
# Blog Name URL

you put the following underneath the commented header

My Blog Name <<api_key>/metablog.ashx#<api_key»

The key part is #<api_key>. api_key in Community Server terms is the portion of your url after domain/blogs/ and before the page requested. Mine is jason_meridth. My full URL for TextMate blogging would be

Hope this may help a fellow Mac brethren